The Mpact Transit + Community Conference (formerly Rail~Volution) focuses on the interplay of transit, mobility, land use and development in building great places to live. The conference brings together a variety of stakeholders who are dedicated to a community-first approach to transit, mobility and development.
Meet STV at MPACT: During the conference, STV’s Breanna Horne will be joining the USDOT and other industry leaders in a Town Hall: Local Perspectives on the USDOT Blueprint For Transportation Decarbonization. Breanna and the other speakers will take questions about discretionary grant programs and discuss the federal role in accelerating decarbonization outcomes, addressing equity disparities and providing incentives for carbon-friendly growth.
Other key topics at the conference include:
- Transit planning, multimodal planning, corridor planning, station area planning and design.
- Transit-oriented development, trail- and bike-oriented development, joint development, affordable housing and neighborhood development and placemaking.
- Policies and strategies to combat displacement.
- Transit equity.
- Project management for different modes.
- Technology and integration of new mobility options with transit.
- Community engagement, outreach tools, communication, data, campaigns and marketing.
- Advocacy for transit.
- Community development financing, capital financing and gap financing.