Ron Deverman, CEP, vice president and national director for environmental planning, recently addressed the pressing issue of enhancing equity in our nation’s mass transit network as part of a presentation for the International Conference on Transport & Health (ICTH).
The presentation – which looked at the current Title VI and environmental justice policies of four major transit authorities in Jacksonville, FL; Chicago, IL; Houston, TX: and Los Angeles, CA – was prepared in collaboration with Fatima Ghani, a professional colleague of Deverman’s, and was named the “Best Practitioner” presentation by the ICTH.
“This is an incredible group of transportation and health professionals, representing a diverse range of perspectives from around the globe,” Deverman said. “We were thrilled to have this opportunity to present on this prescient topic and honored to receive an award for our work.”
First held in London in 2015, the ICTH brings together transportation and health professionals each year. After being canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference has been conducted virtually for the past two years but is expected to return in person in 2023. Deverman is a founding member of the ICTH’s board of directors.
The presentation looked at specific policies and initiatives, and their impacts on minority and low-income communities, that have been implemented by transit agencies in Florida, Illinois, Texas and California. It also spotlighted LA Metro’s pioneering Gender Action Plan, which was prepared by STV and identifies potential systemwide changes that would create more equitable access for women throughout the transit system.