People News

From HS Algebra to Hall of Fame: Philadelphia Employee Gets Celebrated by High School


Carol Rose

As a student at the St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls in Philadelphia, Carol Rose’s, PMP, interest in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, math) was sparked by her algebra teacher, Mrs. Basara.

“She used to talk about how math was used in fields such as architecture and engineering,” Rose said. “While I ultimately chose to pursue electrical engineering, Mrs. Basara was the person who started me down this path.”

Rose’s journey to her current role as a principal and senior operations manager in our Philadelphia office came full circle recently when she was celebrated by St. Hubert as an inductee into its esteemed Hall of Fame. Rose, who was secretly nominated by her sister, was honored for her achievements in STEM, which include, among other things, her 25-plus-year career at STV and her various leadership positions for organizations like the Women’s Transportation Seminar, the Engineers’ Club of Philadelphia and the Junior League of Philadelphia.

Established in 1941, St. Hubert is a private, independent Roman Catholic preparatory school for girls. With more than 425 students, it is the largest all-girls school in Philadelphia.

In addition to Mrs. Basara’s class, Rose participated in Mathletes in high school. Outside of STEM, she also was a varsity track and field athlete.

Following the reception at St. Hubert in late September, Rose is currently discussing with the school ways she can share her STEM expertise by supporting its upstart Robotics Club.

“It’s such an honor to receive this recognition from St. Hubert,” Rose said. “Even more so, I am excited to learn that the school is expanding its STEM offerings to young women. Activities like the Robotics Club didn’t exist when I was high school. It’s great to have an opportunity to serve as a role model in engineering for the current and future generations of students.”