Community Engagement

STV Joins Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to Improve Community Trails


STV Pittsburgh team volunteer in park

STV’s Pittsburgh team recently volunteered with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to clear tall grass, weeds, and thorn bushes from a section of trail in Emerald View Park. The park is close to STV’s office and offers scenic views of the city from Mt. Washington.

“The volunteer experience was so much fun,” said Travis Lees, engineering specialist. “It was great to enjoy the nature at the park while making the trail usable again for the public.”

Travis’s twin brother and fellow STV engineer Troy Lees lives near the park. “I’m grateful to the STV team and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy for working on these improvements at my neighborhood park,” Troy said. “This volunteer experience was a great way to spend time with one another outside of the office while clearing a local trail.”

STV Pittsburgh team clearing park path

Senior Engineer Joseph Garlicki, P.E., organized the event and hopes to do another park volunteering event in the spring.

“I am a long-time supporter of the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy,” said Garlicki. “The nonprofit organization was founded in 1996 and does great work restoring and maintaining the parks in Pittsburgh. I am so glad to have connected STV with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy for this first of many volunteer events. This budding partnership with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is a perfect fit for STV, as both organizations are committed to making communities better.”