Gina Venuto-Gabriella, a civil engineering specialist in STV’s Philadelphia office, has been elected to the board of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Philadelphia Chapter and chair of its Transportation YOU program.
Venuto-Gabriella, who has been an active member of WTS Philadelphia since 2018 when she was elected president of the organization’s student chapter, will assume her new position this Fall when the school year starts.
Transportation YOU is a national program that introduces girls between the ages of 13 and 18 to careers in transportation (just recently, Venuto-Gabriella was part of a group of STV employees that hosted a Transportation YOU mentoring event in our Philadelphia office).
In her new role, Venuto-Gabriella is hoping to bolster student membership to aid with the chapter’s retention of members, while strengthening students’ interest in the transportation industry.
“The main goal is to empower young women and to help them with their transition from high school to college, and eventually to work within our industry,” she said. “I am hoping to do that by featuring panels with women who have experience working in the transportation industry, as well as organizing hands-on interactive activities to keep students curious and asking questions. I also want to prioritize the mentor/mentee relationship with students and professional women in our industry.”
Venuto-Gabriella has experience serving on several other WTS Philadelphia committees, including the Marketing & Communications, Gala Planning and Scholarship committees. She’s also a participant in WTS’s Philadelphia Emerging Leaders Program.