Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation Northern Section

A13-mile, four-lane highway located in the heart of Pennsylvania, the Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation (CSVT) project was first proposed more than 50 years ago to connect Route 147 south of Montandon to US 15. The 5.3-mile Northern Section has significantly reduced traffic congestion throughout the region since opening in July 2022.

STV first served as a subconsultant to perform engineering studies, planning and preliminary design services, culminating in an alternative analysis and environmental impact statement. The firm was then selected by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Engineering District 3-0 to lead the final design for the 5.3-mile limited-access highway and bridge. STV’s design considered the bridge’s unique location – along the river valley and near a small airport – in the final construction.

With its towering CSVT River Bridge that crosses the West Branch Susquehanna River, the structure is offloading 12,000 vehicles a day from the local traffic routes, according to preliminary estimates by PennDOT. The long-anticipated project reflects STV’s mission to make communities better through innovative transportation solutions.

Northern Section

reduction in daily total traffic volume, U.S. 15 (2022)

vehicles offloaded by River Bridge (2022)

Answering a community call delivers a faster, safer and more accessible highway for more communities.


Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 3-0


Winfield, Northumberland and Montandon, Pennsylvania


Highways & Bridges: Highways and Roadways


Design & Engineering: Civil Engineering, Pedestrian Traffic/Wayfinding, Structural Engineering, Utility Coordination

Project Status
