Red Hook WRRF Resilience Upgrades

The Red Hook Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) has served Brooklyn, NY, residents since it opened in 1987. With many public agencies in New York City investing in more resilient infrastructure following Superstorm Sandy in 2012, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) sought crucial upgrades to safeguard the Red Hook facility from future storm events.  

STV provided architectural, structural, electrical and HVAC design for a new submersible pump design, wall reinforcement and flood-proofing for the facility. Wastewater equipment and crucial facility processes are now protected across seven buildings and process areas, the plant’s tunnel system and electrical substation. The completed design elevated equipment and electrical panels above the Design Flood Elevation and protected all other equipment with waterproof enclosures. 

An upgraded water facility is now protected against future storms and the impacts of global climate change.


New York City Department of Environmental Protection


New York, New York


Water: Wastewater


Advisory: Resilience & Sustainability

Design & Engineering: Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical/HVAC Engineering, Structural Engineering